V6 Bithiri Sathi Conversation with savitri about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip | Teenmaar News.

V6 Bithiri Sathi Conversation with savitri about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip | Teenmaar News. Bithiri sathi feels so sad for nara lokesh not talking telugu correctly. Every time he speaks media finds mistakes in it says bithiri sathi.

Bithiri Sathi Conversation with savitri about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip

V6 Bithiri Sathi Conversation with savitri about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip | Teenmaar News.
V6 Bithiri Sathi Conversation with savitri about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip | Teenmaar News.

Bithiri Sathi Comedy Show about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip on v6 news channel . Bithiri sathi funny videos on whatsapp youtube about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip on April 19th wednessday. The best Comedy episode of Bithiri sathi talks on Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip on wednessday April 19th 2017 video. Latest Episodes of Bithiri sathi here. Click on the below video for today's latest episode of bithiri sathi comedy video on Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip date April 19thth 2017 wednessday.

Bithiri Sathi about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip

Bithiri sathi episode on April 19th wednessday talks about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip. Bithiri sathi comedy video comes on v6 news channel teenmaar program @9:30 PM. Bithiri sathi funny conversation on April 19 wednessday about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip. Today episode of bithiri sathi 19th April 2017 wednesday about Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip. V6 news channel teenmaar program bithiri sathi comedy clips video and conversathion with savitri. 

Bithiri sathi come every day @9:30 in v6news channel on teenmaar program.

Watch V6 special program Teenmaar news with Savitri, Bithiri Sathi in a Telangana slang.

Today's Episode of bithi sathi on v6 news channel @9:30 April19th 2017 Wednessday

Latest Episode of Bithiri sathi on April 19th 2017

Bithiri Sathi About Nara Lokesh Tongue Slip on April 19th 2017

Savitri and Bthirisathi conversation on April 19th 2017